A gift was needed to 12th Night a local medieval shire event for the Shire of Appledore. A small chest made of birch and maple and velvetined lined. The lady that received the gift wil be using it for storage of beading projects.

The inside of the gift box - given as a gift Jan 2011.

Some of the members of Phasiani lacus Manerium say that Mistress Christiana brings the kitchen sink. It is true that Christiana does bring the sink, but she does bring other items as well to make a tastey meal. Shown here is her spice box holding the many different spices that she uses in the culinary arts. She will soon be making a new spice box and is hoping to attain more glass bottles like the ones shown in the box with the silver lids

The dry goods kitchen box is shown here, and aids in the storage of all goods needed to make a deliteful meal. The chest is made and finish to high the mundane items and is part of Mistress Christiana's culnary kitchen setup for those weekend events.

Here shown is the entire setup with all the cookery items needed to make a meal, and to prepare medieval foods as well. In shopping around at aution sales she can across edging that is made of a vinyl rubber of which she used to prevent damage both to the vehicle and to herself. By fluke the table shown forward, fits in a car perfectly, thus no need to use the truck to transport displays to different demos and craft shows. Since than Mistress Christiana has added one more table like the one shown. The table to the right is the sink table and allows for basic cleaning and dispensing of water from a 20L water bottle. When they say Christiana brings the kitchen sink they are right.

The tables shown here are designed like those of banquet tables thus allowing for quick takedown and setup, and are a lot more durable than mundane tables brought from the store.

Mistress Christiana display used both at Canada Day 2011 -Vernon and at the Vernon Museum during Medieval days.

Medieval Village - Canada Day 2011 - Vernon, British Columbia, looking unwards from Mistress Christiana's pavilion.

A new and stylish Medieval garment similar to those of the Renassiance period. Made for Mistress Christiana by Christiana, which includes the petticoat, detachable sleeves, and the outer dress.

A photo take of Mistress Christiana's Renaissance dress - May 2011

Another garment for those hot summer days following Renassiance. Taken at the Wolfgang event in Vernon - June 2011. Mistress Christiana also taught a mini course on blackwork needlework at this event.
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